

This tab consists of a grid on which the user can insert materials for the planned order item production manually (only if production one). It is completed in case that the planend order comes from general scheduling or MRP elaboration, on the contrary if the order is inserted manually, it is necessary to click on the 'Complete Order Data' button on toolbar in order to import data from bill of materials. The columns, that are in the grid, are the following:

Priority: it is possible to view the component priority inserted in the bill of materials, if available. It can be edited, as all the other grid data;
Class: through the realted combo it is possible to set the item class
Item Code: thanks to a double click it is possible to enter within items help through which user can select the item code;
Variant: in this combo it is possible to set the item variant;
Option: in this combo it is possible to set the item option;
Subc: in this field it is possible to open the flag that is in the MRP parameters of item called 'Working Flow';
UM: in this field it is possible to insert the item unit of measure;
UMU: in this field it is possible to insert the possibly item alternative unit of measure;
Usage Date: it corresponds to the estimated start date of the planned order (by editing the first date it is possible to change even the last one automatically);
QtyUsed: it is the unitary quantity that is necessary for this item (estimated by the BOM) that can be edited anyway;
TotalQty: it is the quantity that is possible to obtain by multiplying the Qty Used by the Qty to Be Produced;
% Scrap: in this box the % Scrap can be inserted or taken from the bill of materials as regards the particular item
Phase/Subphase: through a double click it is possible to open a working phases help from which user can select the related phase and subphase and in this way it is possible to assign the selected material to a specific item workin phase;
Item Description: through this field it is possible to view the item description;
Option Description: through this field it is possible to view the option description;
AvailableQty: through this field it is possible to view the available quantity of item at the date of usage.

It is necessary to highlight that, in case of automatic completion of this grid, all data above mentioned will be automatically updated, given to the user the chance to edit and/or add additionali materials to the planned order components list. Lastly it is recommended that in case of a purchase planned order the Materials tab will be not active.

BuildDate : 23 marzo 2021

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